So, we're in the home stretch now- both Tyler and I are done all of our papers (YAY!!!), and we just have a few finals to write, and then we're ALL DONE!! We're so pumped to be finished- and I'll be done for good, I don't know if I'll ever have to write another paper in my life! =) And Tyler will only have one more semester left, which is also a great feeling for him too! One week from today we'll be writing our last exam, and then we'll have to pack like crazy for a few days to get ready for going back to Alberta... And then my parents come for my Grad, and then off we go! So we still have a few busy days ahead of us yet, but things have slowed down alot already, which has been so wonderful. It'll be nice to have a bit of time to get together with friends here yet before we take off. So that's pretty much what's been going on with us lately. But I do have a couple more pictures...

My sister Alyssa, her husband Kenton, their daughter Katrina, and son Titus:

And a couple more of little Titus:
What a little darling...