Sunday, May 13, 2007

Settling in Linden

So we've now been in Linden for a couple of weeks, and I think we're finally starting to feel like we're settling in. It's been really busy for the last while, and it's been good to slow down a bit this weekend...
Tyler started working two weeks ago doing construction (or carpentry I guess it's called) for a guy here in Linden, and he's been loving it- every day he comes home excited about what he's been learning, so that's been really good =) and I have a job working for Tyler's family's neighbours, doing a whole bunch of things- I'm helping with office work and I do some cleaning and yardwork, as well as editing my boss' father's manuscript,. so i get a lot of variety in my job, which is really nice actually.
And this weekend we enjoyed working outside around our little camping trailer, and then we also celebrated Tyler's mom and brother's birthdays, as well as his other brother's graduation- and then Mother's Day too of course, so there's been a lot of celebrating and good food!! =)
So that's just a bit of an update of how we've been doing.....

Monday, April 9, 2007

We're Almost Done!

So, we're in the home stretch now- both Tyler and I are done all of our papers (YAY!!!), and we just have a few finals to write, and then we're ALL DONE!! We're so pumped to be finished- and I'll be done for good, I don't know if I'll ever have to write another paper in my life! =) And Tyler will only have one more semester left, which is also a great feeling for him too! One week from today we'll be writing our last exam, and then we'll have to pack like crazy for a few days to get ready for going back to Alberta... And then my parents come for my Grad, and then off we go! So we still have a few busy days ahead of us yet, but things have slowed down alot already, which has been so wonderful. It'll be nice to have a bit of time to get together with friends here yet before we take off. So that's pretty much what's been going on with us lately. But I do have a couple more pictures...

My sister Alyssa, her husband Kenton, their daughter Katrina, and son Titus:

And a couple more of little Titus:

What a little darling...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Oops, Almost Forgot!

Oh dear, I can't believe that I didn't say this in the last post that we JUST wrote! But yesterday my sister Alyssa and her husband Kenton had their baby, a little boy! We're so excited, and this is their second child, (their daughter Katrina is now almost 2 years old), and so I just had to let everyone know! =) Here's a couple pictures we just got this morning of little Titus James Penner:

We think he's pretty cute, and can't wait to get to see him, but we won't be back in Alberta until the end of April, which we're sad about... But Tyler's excited to have an excuse to buy more little cars and toys once Titus is old enough to play with them! =)

Weekend Back in Alberta

So, we're back from our quick trip to Linden for Steve and Carla's wedding. It was a good time, quick, but we were able to get some visiting in with Tyler's family, which was wonderful. We also got to catch up with a lot of his friends at the wedding. Another highlight for us was checking out the trailer where we'll be living in for the summer.

Check out these pictures:

This is our beautiful summer cabin!!

And it even has a lakeside view....

And the inside is gorgeous; but it might need a bit of cleaning- and organizing?

But we're really excited about living here for a few months, and we'll be happy!

So the wedding was lots of fun, and Tyler got to hang out with one of his good friends, Evan, who is leaving April 9th to join the Canadian military. So it was nice they could catch up before then, since we're not sure when we'll see him next.

And now that we're back home, it's back to the grind, and we're pumped that we only have a few more weeks left of school! Yay, it'll be so good to be done!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Off for the Weekend!

Hello hello- so we made it through this crazy week. We both had a ton of work to get done for classes ( I wrote 3 eight-page papers in the last week and a half!), and we're so ready for the weekend! It should be great, we're heading out to Linden for Tyler's friend Carla's wedding. We'll be catching a ride with Wes and LeeAnn Fehr (they're from Moose Jaw), so it'll be fun to travel with them for the 7-hr drive. It's gonna be a late night though- we're only leaving at 6:00 this evening, so we won't show up at Tyler's family's place till ~1:00am. But that's alright I guess, it'll be great to see his family, even though it'll only be for a couple days... We'll try to update our pictures once we get back, and fill you all in on how the weekend went!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Our Summer Plans...

Hey everybody!! So, we're both definitely new at this whole "blogging" thing, but thought we'd give it a try! (Thanks Brad and Samantha for introducing us to this all! haha...) So for an update of where we're at and what we're doing this summer: our original plans were to stay here in Caronport and either work here or in Moose Jaw, but it has been really difficult for us to find jobs that would work for the next few months. SOOO, now it ends up that we are going back to Alberta at the end of April for the summer, and living on Tyler's parents' yard, in their camping trailer! whoo-hoo! Tyler thinks it'll be sweet to live like hippies for a few months, and he has this thing where he wants to hang chinese lanterns in the trees around the trailer.... I don't know about that yet though, we'll have to see! But even though it might be kind of a hard summer for us being away from our own home here, which we love, we can really see that this is what God has been planning for us for this summer, and we're so thankful for His provision in our lives. So we can't complain, and we're gonna try and make it the funnest summer we can- it'll definitely be a memorable one! And it will be nice to just be closer to our families and everything, we've missed being closer to them this last year in particular. It will be especially neat, as we are expecting the arrival of a new niece or nephew in the next few days of maybe weeks?? (my sister Alyssa, her husband Kenton, and their almost-2-year-old daughter, Katrina, are all anticipating this arrival). So we're really looking forward to this summer, and all it has in store for us! We'll try to keep you all updated fairly often, so you can know what's happening in the life of this Williams' couple...
"We waste our lives when we do not pray and think and dream and plan and work toward magnifying God in all spheres of life." John Piper